The checklist is designed to familiarize both new and returning volunteers of the requirements for Band Camp.

At the beginning of the session

  • Check with Mr. Minnick the format for the practice and determine when and if to serve water and snacks. Some sessions may be held inside school, but many will take place outside on the lower parking lot.
  • Prepare iced water by filling the two orange water coolers, stored in instrument room, with ice and water. Mr. Minnick will advise where to do this and will have keys for the cafeteria and concession stand.
  • Collect sufficient cups for water and smaller cups for snacks from the supply cabinets. Take a box of plastic gloves to wear while handling food and a trash bag.
  • Serve Goldfish or Pretzels, filling a small cup.
  • Set up water and snacks on two folding tables, stored either in uniform closet or in the trailer. These should be moved to the practice area by the Quartermasters, together with the sun canopy. Put water cups on one and snacks on the other ahead of the nominated break time.
  • The orange First Aid bag and the Emergency Forms binder should be collected form Mr .Minnick’s office and taken to the practice area.

At the end of the session

  • Collapse canopy and tables and ensure storage by Quartermasters, either in trailer or uniform closet.
  • Empty water coolers and leave lids off to allow them to dry and store in the instrument room.
  • Return unused paper products to tote box in supply cabinets.
  • Return First Aid bag and binder to Mr. Minnick’s office.
  • Please let volunteer coordinator know if supplies are running low.

Thank you your help, we couldn’t run Band camp without you!